Why SecureSave?

Why employer-sponsored emergency savings make sense for your business

Reduce 401(k) loans & withdrawals

When employees hit a rough patch, they often turn to their 401(k) to assist with an emergency. This undermines their ability to retire on time.

Improve employee financial wellness

Finding the right financial wellness solution is no easy task. Each employee has unique needs. Financial stress can lead to a reduction in work performance and higher turnover.

Make your limited benefits budget count

Not all companies have the budget to provide extensive benefits to their employees. Certain benefits are required or expected like health insurance or retirement plans.

Enhance recruiting and retention efforts

Many employers can’t find the qualified candidates they need for roles and employees are likely to leave their positions with shorter tenures than ever before.

Make your benefits more inclusive with financial wellness

Ensuring all employees have equal access to financial information and services helps them generate greater wealth and achieve financial stability — helping them feel and be more secure. 

Trusted by partners and customers as the leader in ESAs

The leading solution for employer-sponsored emergency savings

Easy-anytime implementation

With no training required, no enrollment process, or paperwork involved, rolling out SecureSave any time of the year is painless.

Most employers deploy in as little as 2 weeks

Low cost & high impact

Features like 3-click signup and paycheck autosave help drive the high adoption across all income levels.

Over half of invited employees participate

Improves financial wellness

Empower your employees to build savings, decreasing reliance on 401k funds, payday loans, and credit cards in emergencies.

Most SecureSavers have $400 saved after only 4 months