Emergency Savings Accounts for Employees

SecureSave is the leading workplace emergency savings program that improves recruitment and retention, reduces reliance on 401(k) loans and withdrawals, and limits financial stress. Enhance your employees’ financial wellness today.

Lack of short-term savings is costing employers

Industry research consistently proves that finances cause stress, which negatively impacts work performance. Short-term money matters are your employees' number one source of stress, and they're taking that stress to work.

times more churn
Financially stressed employees  are 2.2x more likely to seek  employment elsewhere
working hours lost
Most employees distracted by finances lose the equivalent of 6.5 workdays each year
Introducing SecureSave

The leading solution for employer-sponsored emergency savings

Easy-anytime implementation

With no training required, no enrollment process, or paperwork involved, rolling out SecureSave any time of the year is painless.

Most employers deploy in as little as 2 weeks

Low cost & high impact

Features like 3-click signup and paycheck autosave help drive the high adoption across all income levels.

Over half of invited employees participate

Improves financial wellness

Empower your employees to build savings, decreasing reliance on 401k funds, payday loans, and credit cards in emergencies.

Most SecureSavers have $400 saved after only 4 months

The most impactful emergency savings solution on the market


Average adoption rate


Monthly savings retention


Average amount saved in 1 year

Trusted by partners and customers as the leader in ESAs

Easy and rewarding for employees

With an employee experience that stacks up to the best online banking apps out there, your employees will find it easy to get started, grow savings, and access their funds in an emergency.

$25 was auto saved from your latest paycheck
$10 was matched by Acme, Inc.
$250 was removed for car trouble

See what our customers are saying

“We are incredibly excited to offer our employees SecureSave, an emergency savings program that is not only easy for us to manage but for employees to understand and to immediately realize the direct benefit it provides.”

Glen Gaidos

CEO and founder of 3R Technology

"SecureSave is an outstanding program and I think a very valuable employee benefit. The program was very easy to set up and administer. I’m very happy to report we have over 75% participation.

Jim Bailey

President of Filtec Precise

"As a CEO I want my team to feel appreciated and secure. And, we were up and running in under a week. SecureSave has become the most rapidly adopted financial benefit for employees in our company's history. Employees love it!"

Bart Bartlett

CEO of DemandZen

Watch our product demo

Check out our 3-minute demo video to see an overview of the employer portal and the employee app. If you have any additional questions after viewing the demo, you'll be able to request additional information. 

Take the first step toward employee financial wellness today - with a SecureSave emergency savings program

Learn why now is the time for Emergency Savings Accounts in our whitepaper